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COMAP Exploring Math Modeling in and Outside of the Classroom Webinar Series #4

  The Introduction to Math Modeling Webinar Series is a series of 6 - 7 free webinars organized by COMAP held from October 2020 through May 2021. The goal of the webinar series is to promote student and teacher engagement in mathematical modeling in the classroom and through participation in math modeling contests such as HiMCM and MCM/ICM. The webinars are led by classroom teachers, professors and mathematicians. These experts hope to demonstrate how math modeling can be used to foster mathematical curiosity and engage students in real world problem solving. This engagement can serve to promote student agency and help students see themselves as learners and doers of mathematics.

Webinar #4
Mathematical Freedom as a Factor for Gender Equity in Math Competitions

Wednesday, February 24th 3:30 PM EST

The COMAP modeling competition is exceptional in a variety of ways, one of them being the increasing participation of women at the collegiate level. This stands in stark contrasts to dominant patterns in women's participation in STEM-related activities. The Stanford team at youcubed conducted a qualitative analysis to examine possible contributing factors to explain these results. Our team collected a) survey data from past and present student competitors, b) interviews with math faculty who recruit and support competitors, and c) extended field observations of two teams of students at work during an actual competition. In this webinar, we present our results, and will facilitate a discussion about the interpretation and implications of this work for participating institutions.

Jack Dieckmann, PhD, Director of Research, youcubed at Stanford





Webinar Power Point Slides

Complete PDF file of all the slides used during the Webinar.

  MAA FOCUS MCM/ICM Article PDF file of all article referenced during the Webinar.