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The Mathematics of the COMAP Modeling Contests


MAA Invited Paper Session
Joint Mathematics Meetings
January 15-18, 2020
Denver, Colorado

The Mathematics of the COMAP Modeling Contests
Thursday, 1-3:50, Room 610/612
Session Description: Since 1985, the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP) has held its international modeling contest in mathematics (MCM), adding its interdisciplinary competition (ICM) in 1999. During this 100-hour competition, teams of undergraduate students attack one of six open-ended problems, build a model and analyze the problem, and write a 20-page paper showcasing their work, their findings, and the implications of their findings in the context of the problem.  Each year, the team of final judges meets in person to discuss the exciting and diverse range of mathematics that the students used to tackle these problems. In this session, judges will present some of the mathematical approaches that have been taken to solve these problems, showcasing student work and giving insights from the perspective of the competition leadership.

Amanda Beecher, Ramapo College of New Jersey
LTC Michelle Isenhour, Naval Postgraduate School

List of Speakers:
Elizabeth Schott, Florida SouthWestern State College
William Bauldry, Appalachian State University
Rodney Sturdivant, Henry M. Jackson Foundation
LTC Michelle Isenhour, Naval Postgraduate School
Jessica Libertini, Virginia Military Institute
Amanda Beecher, Ramapo College of New Jersey




Talk Title

Speaker Name

1:00 PM

1:20 PM

The Mathematics of the COMAP Modeling Contests - Problem A.

Elizabeth Schott


1:30 PM

1:50 PM

Perspectives on Student's Mathematical Approaches for the ``B Problem'' (Discrete) of COMAP's Mathematical Modeling Contest.

William Bauldry


2:00 PM

2:20 PM

Data Driven Mathematical Modeling.

Rodney Sturdivant


2:30 PM

2:50 PM

Time to Leave the Louvre: Student Modeling Approaches

Michelle Isenhour


3:00 PM

3:20 PM

Simple Models for the Complex Problem of Measuring and Improving Sustainable Development.

Jessica Libertini


3:30 PM

3:50 PM

Who should we send to colonize Mars?

Amanda Beecher