Searching for Submersibles
Judges' Commentary: Searching for Submersibles
Robert E. Burks Defense Analysis Naval Postgraduate School Keith A. Erickson Mathematics and Statistics Georgia Gwinnett College
Robert E. Burks Defense Analysis Naval Postgraduate School
Keith A. Erickson Mathematics and Statistics Georgia Gwinnett College
Authors' Commentary: Searching for Submersibles
Amanda Beecher School of Theoretical and Applied Sciences Ramapo College of New Jersey Keith A. Erickson Mathematics and Statistics Georgia Gwinnett College
Amanda Beecher School of Theoretical and Applied Sciences Ramapo College of New Jersey
Team 2407038: Searching for Submersibles
UESTC, China
Team 2411570: Searching for Submersibles
China University of Geosciences Beijing, China
Team 2419984: Searching for Submersibles
Tongji University, China
Team 2425792: Searching for Submersibles
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China