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Problem Title: Take a Bath

  Year: 2008      
  Student Level: Undergraduate      
  Source: MCM      
  Commentary: Yes (1)      
  Student Papers: Yes (4)      

Consider the effects on land from the melting of the north polar ice cap due to the predicted increase in global temperatures. Specifically, model the effects on the coast of Florida every ten years for the next 50 years due to the melting, with particular attention given to large metropolitan areas. Propose appropriate responses to deal with this. A careful discussion of the data used is an important part of the answer.


Judge's Commentary: The Polar Melt Problem Papers

John L. Scharf
Dept. of Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science
Carroll College

  Student Papers      

The Impending Effects ofNorth Polar Ice Cap Melt

College of Idaho, Caldwell, ID


A Convenient Truth: Forecasting Sea Level Rise

Duke University, Durham, NC


Fighting theWaves: The Effect of North Polar Ice Cap Melt on Florida

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Buffalo, NY


Erosion in Florida: A Shore Thing

University of Delaware, Newark, DE