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Problem Title: Going Green

  Year: 2008      
  Student Level: High School      
  Source: HIMCM      
  Commentary: Yes (1)      
  Student Papers: Yes (4)      

The United States can address its national carbon footprint in two ways: by reducing carbon dioxide emissions or by increasing carbon dioxide consumption (sequestration). Assume that the total U.S. carbon dioxide emissions are capped at 2007-2008 levels indefinitely. What should the U.S. do to increase carbon dioxide consumption to achieve national carbon neutrality with minimal economic and cultural impact? Is it even possible to achieve neutrality? Model your solution to show feasibility, effectiveness, and costs. Prepare a short summary paper for the U.S. Congress to persuade them to adopt your plan.


Consortium Article

  Student Papers      

Team 1955: Going Green

The Ellis School, Pittsburgh, PA


Team 2004: Going Green

Maggie Walker Governor's School, Richmond, VA


Team 2050: Going Green

Hanyoung Foreign Language High School, Seoul, Korea


Team 1957: Going Green

MATHS Education Research Department, Shanghai, China